The client is not satisfied with your design: What to do to turn an uncomfortable situation into a learning opportunity?

What to do when a client is not satisfied with our graphic design work? In this article, you’ll find practical tips to turn an uncomfortable situation into a learning opportunity and strengthen your relationship with your clients.

When working in the world of graphic design, one of the most uncomfortable situations that can arise is when a client is not satisfied with the work we have done. This can happen for various reasons, from poor communication during the design phase to discrepancies in aesthetic tastes. Whatever the reason, it’s important to handle this situation as professionally as possible, and here I’ll explain how to do it.

man in blue dress shirt using macbook
Photo by Alan Navarro on Unsplash

First of all, it is important to remember that graphic design is a highly subjective field. What may seem beautiful to some may be ugly to others. Therefore, it is essential to establish clear and precise communication with the client from the beginning so that we know their tastes, preferences, and needs. This can be done through a series of questions that allow us to get to know the client and their expectations better, as well as by showing preliminary sketches of the work we are doing to receive early feedback.

Now, what should we do if, despite having established good communication with the client, they are not satisfied with the final work? The first thing we need to do is listen carefully to their comments and opinions. It is important to remember that graphic design is a collaborative process, and the client has the right to express their opinion and make suggestions for improving the work.

two women sitting on chair
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Once we have listened to the client, it is important not to take their comments personally and not to feel offended by their criticisms. Remember that graphic design is a process of trial and error, and it is normal not to get it right the first time. We must maintain a positive and receptive attitude towards the client’s suggestions and be willing to make the necessary changes to meet their needs.

Secondly, we must be honest with the client about the limitations and possibilities of graphic design. It is important to explain to them that certain changes may not be possible or viable or that they could negatively affect the overall design. In some cases, it may be necessary to explain the basic principles of graphic design so that they understand why some decisions were made in a certain way.

person playing magic cube
Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

Thirdly, it is important to offer solutions to the client to address their concerns. This may involve revising the design, proposing alternatives, or even starting from scratch if necessary. We must be willing to make the necessary changes to satisfy the client, but we must also ensure that the design meets certain standards of quality and consistency.

It is important to remember that the client is our source of income, and therefore we must treat them with respect and professionalism. This means maintaining clear and effective communication at all times, being transparent about the limitations and possibilities of the design, and offering viable solutions to address the client’s concerns.

yellow smiley emoji on gray textile
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Moreover, we must maintain a positive and proactive attitude at all times. If the client is not satisfied with our work, this can be an opportunity to improve our skills and learn from the experience. We must be willing to receive constructive criticism and work collaboratively with the client to achieve a result that satisfies both parties.

Another important aspect to consider is time. The client may have a specific deadline for the delivery of the work, so we must be aware of this and work efficiently to make the necessary changes as quickly as possible. Additionally, it is important to set realistic expectations regarding delivery times so that the client knows exactly when they can expect to receive the finished work.

clear hour glass with coins
Photo by Ricardo Díaz on Unsplash

In some cases, it may be necessary to charge an additional fee for changes made to the design. This should be agreed upon with the client beforehand and should be fair and proportional to the work done. It is important to explain to the client that significant changes may require an additional fee and to obtain their approval before proceeding with the work.

In conclusion, if a client is not satisfied with our graphic design work, we must maintain a positive and receptive attitude, listen carefully to their comments and opinions, and offer viable solutions to address their concerns. It is important to maintain clear and transparent communication at all times and to work efficiently to make the necessary changes as quickly as possible. We must also be aware of the limitations and possibilities of graphic design and set realistic expectations regarding delivery times and fees. By following these basic principles, we can professionally and effectively handle situations where a client is not satisfied with our work and maintain a positive and productive relationship with them in the long term.

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Manu Esbozo

Hi! I am a passionate graphic & product designer from Málaga. My expertise lies in creating captivating brand identities and exceptional user experiences. 

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