Privacy Policy is owned by Manuel Trivino (hereinafter Manu Esbozo), with ID 53337454T and address at Paseo de Velilla 1, Almuñécar, Granada.

In accordance with current data protection regulations, particularly the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Manu Esbozo wishes to inform you through this Privacy Policy about the personal data protection policy of his website, so that you can freely and voluntarily decide whether you want to provide Manu Esbozo with the personal data that we may request or that we may obtain from you during your access and use of the website.


Manu Esbozo collects personal data from the users of the website, including, but not limited to, name and surname, access password, contact address, or email address (“Personal Data” or “Data”), through various means, such as forms available on the website, which will be included in an automated file of Manu Esbozo at the address Paseo de Velilla 1, Almuñécar, Granada.

Manu Esbozo will consider the Data you provide to be correct and up-to-date.

The processing of Data is carried out by Manu Esbozo with the aim of responding to contact requests received, managing product orders, including shipment, billing, and collection, handling potential claims from users and customers, managing the sending of information from ourselves or third parties that may be of interest to you, and sending you our newsletter.

Furthermore, Manu Esbozo may use your Data to send you commercial communications by email or other equivalent electronic means, provided that you have given your explicit consent by checking the acceptance box of the Terms and Conditions, which you can access through the various forms on the website. Manu Esbozo will give you the opportunity to revoke your consent to receive commercial communications by electronic means at any time.


In addition to the cases provided for by data protection legislation, Manu Esbozo may need to share Personal Data or part of it with third-party service providers, such as IT companies, hosting service providers, etc., in order to maintain and ensure the proper functioning of the website.

Also, in case of your failure to comply with payment obligations, Manu Esbozo may communicate your Data to records related to compliance or non-compliance with monetary obligations, provided that the conditions established in Article 38 of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, approving the Regulation implementing Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, are met.


Manu Esbozo states and guarantees that he will do everything possible to maintain the security and confidentiality of Personal Data and will continue to improve the security measures adopted in line with legal and technological developments.


At any time, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition to the processing of your Personal Data by sending an email to the following address: or by sending a written request to Manu Esbozo at the address mentioned above. Your request should include the following information: name and surname, address for notifications, a photocopy of your ID card or passport, and the specific request.


In the event that Manu Esbozo modifies this Privacy Policy, a notification will be published on the website so that you can be informed of any changes in the types of Data collected, the purposes of the processing, and/or communications to third parties.


By submitting your Personal Data through the forms on the website or by using other services offered on the website, you are giving your express consent for Manu Esbozo to process your Personal Data in accordance with the terms described in this Privacy Policy.

Manu Esbozo

Hi! I am a passionate graphic & product designer from Málaga. My expertise lies in creating captivating brand identities and exceptional user experiences. 

2024 © Manu Esbozo. All rights reserved.